While some of us make haste of our morning routines and spend as little time getting ready as possible, studies show that the average American spends at least 10 minutes in the shower each morning, tending to their usual hygiene routine. And then there’s an additional 20 minutes on average spent shaving, applying make-up, tending to hair, or other tasks that are usually done in our bathrooms. Before bed, we’re back in there again, sometimes showering or bathing after a long day, removing our make-up, and more. It’s no wonder we make such a fuss about the look and condition of our bathrooms! We spend lots of time there!
So, if your bathroom is less than ideal, perhaps you’ve been thinking about a bath replacement of some sort. Maybe not a full remodel. After all, that’s expensive. But it is possible to upgrade the look of your bathroom without making a huge investment of time and money, and DURACARE Baths offers a host of products that allow you to accomplish this.